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Paving Guide | Green Valley Work Products Pavilion

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-11-06      Origin: Site

There is always a statement in the floor industry, "three-point land seven-point installation", the quality of the installation is determined70%The quality of the floor. Unexpectedly, it is largely caused by the pavement, so the pavement problem has become a stubborn disease that restricts the use of a product product.

The paving is a heavy head of home renovation, one of the most concerned issues of the decoration. Today, Green Valley will summarize some precautions for the floor pavement. I believe these knowledge will be understood, and everyone will be more than half of them in paving floors.

Construction plan

Rubber mat construction process

Rubber floor construction plan

First, we must first require corresponding requirements for the surface flatness, hardness, humidity and environmental humidity to be constructed.

1. Ground flatness: Requirement of 2 meters straight range in size should be less than 2 mm to 3 mm.

2. Hardness: The base surface is not less than 1.2 MPa.

3. Strength: Not less than the concrete strength standard C-20 requirements.

4. Humidity: The substrate water content is less than 3%.

5. Construction temperature: unrestricted

(Because of thermal expansion, the gap can be appropriately mediated according to the actual temperature).

6. The ground requires flat matte.

7. It is forbidden to have a housing, sand and highlight unevenness, cracks, etc. to avoid affecting the construction effect.

Second, the ground foundation is grinding

OBJECTIVE: To organize the ground, remove the surface of the empty drum and the surface of the empty drum, and the ground foundation is highlighted, and the ground is re-processed.

Third, undercoat treatment

Clean the ground: clean the ground, clean it, first clean the ground with a broom to clean the ground and see if there is no pollution-free place.

Four, scraping (optional)

Clean the ground to clean the dust, start scraping (must be airable, there must be some missions.)

Paving method and construction precautions

First, Construction Notes:

1. The construction site should try to avoid simultaneous work with other construction projects.

2. The ground to be laid should meet the following requirements.

A solid: The ground to be laid should be a solid floor of the flat cement floor or tile, marble, water mill, etc., can't be sand, land or loose ground.

B is laid to be smooth and smooth, no obvious groove or pit boss.

C Clean: The ground to be laid should be cleaned, and there is no soil, slag, and other debris.

D dry: The ground to be laid cannot have water or moisture.

Second, paving methods:

1. The ambient temperature should be adapted before the floor layout (consistent with the ground temperature). The temperature should be avoided during the natural drying process of laying and adhesives (such as sun direct).

2. (Optional) Equation with the layered ground floor and the back surface of the floor, when the gel is pulled, and the paste is pasted, and the rubber is hurts. If there is adhesive contaminated floor surface should be removed.

3. If the floor corner is not aligned, the hollow ridge, the edge, and the tuning, the need to be corrected or retracted must be carried out before the paste is dry.

Third, the construction tool:

1. Crust, steel tape, tip, hardcore, hardcore.

2. Scraper is applied with adhesive.

3. Rubber hammer with rigorously sticky floor.

4. The stirring rod is mixed with adhesive.

The above method is for reference only, and it can be appropriately mediated according to the actual situation.

Paving case display:



Coil laying process

Layout: The ground is flat and unrest, if there is obvious unevenness of the thickness of the product! Need to do itself to handle it! And clean the ground dust!

Step 1: First open the web, it is best to lay a 30-minute flip floor (due to curling transportation, it is necessary to be slightly reduced, so as to avoid retractable errors).

Step 2: Take the polyurethane glue with a ratio of calcium carbonate and mix well! Step 3: The paste is evenly hanging on the ground! While connecting the previously restored coils on the ground while shaking!

Step 4: There is no need to raise glue, naturally bonded, or use 502 to bond it!

Step 5: Tap the rubber hoes to make it completely bonded!

Step 6: Cut the ventricular edge with the wallpaper knife! Little gap can also fill in glass adhesive!

Paving case display:


The above is some precautions for the laying of the floor. I believe these knowledge will be understood. Everyone will be more difficult to pave the floor, and the decoration will also extend the service life of the floor. I hope to help everyone.

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